Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

The world of Tulus

Muhammad Tulus itu dia nama lengkap si pemilik suara merdu yang melekat di telinga dan di hati para pendengarnya dengan single albumnya yang berjudul "sewindu".  Album Tulus di rilis pada tahun 2012. Kecenderungan Tulus untuk bereksplorasi dan membuat album ini memiliki arensemen yang beragam tanpa menghilangkan jazz nya. Hampir semua bertemakan cinta. Album ini bisa menjadi high quality, not boring dan luar biasa catchy untuk di dengar. 

Tulus - Sewindu


Full album Tulus :

  1. Tulus - Merdu Untukmu (Intro)
  2. Tulus - Teman Pesta
  3. Tulus - Kisah Sebentar
  4. Tulus - Sewindu
  5. Tulus - Diorama (Studio Live)
  6. Tulus - Tuan Nona Kesepian
  7. Tulus - Jatuh Cinta
  8. Tulus - Teman Hidup
  9. Tulus - Sewindu (Rhodes Version)
  10. Tulus - Merdu Untukmu (Outro)

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Top Essential Pop Songs

Much of "Wild Ones" is standard issue, almost overly familiar, Flo Rida. However, the soaring vocals by Australian singer-songwriter Sia cause the song to rise among the norm. With elements of dance and hip hop, "Wild Ones" is a format straddling song that represents much of mainstream pop radio of the moment.
Nicki Minaj headed to the studio with star producer RedOne for this single from her upcoming second album. It is another example of a club ready blend between pop and hip hop. There is a pleasing combination of singing and rapping from Nicki Minaj here.

Canadian singer-songwriter Carly Rae Jepsen knows how to deliver a sugar-coated pure pop song. "Call Me Maybe" was a #1 pop hit at home in Canada, and now it is swiftly climbing the US charts. She has been signed to Justin Bieber's new label Schoolboy Records.

If you wondered how Katy Perry is doing in the aftermath of her divorce from Russell Brand, she is here to tell you. "Part Of Me" instantly joins the ranks of classic breakup songs. It is all in the style of uptempo mainstream pop that will fit perfectly on pop radio.

Few songs have such strong sales and chart action as "Rumour Has It" in advance of an actual official single release, but this song is not just any song by just any artist. "Rumour Has It" will be the official fourth and final single from Adele's landmark album 21. It has already hit #1 a the AAA radio format, reached the top 40 at alternative, adult pop, and rock radio, and has sold over 500,000 digital copies. The song's stomping beat courtesy producer Ryan Tedder is unforgettable, and Adele's vocals are immaculate.

Kelly Clarkson is at her anthemic best here. She deftly combines survival of a bad relationship with a huge dose of esteem boosting via Friedrich Nietzsche. "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" fits perfectly on a wide range of pop playlists.

Usher's latest may initially sound simply like a sexy, sultry R&B jam. However, lyrically, the song is much more complex than that. It speaks of a relationship that has nowhere to go now that it has reached the climax. Usher's falsetto is gorgeous here. That is a top artist at the peak of his powers.
Jason Mraz drops a powerful love ballad. It is a change of pace for him, but the sound is very much classic singer-songwriter pop. The powerful words of relationship stability are likely to amount to one of the top love songs of the entire year.
Take a veteran soulful pop band and hook them up with pop producers that are defining the mainstream today and something like "Payphone" is what you will get. Maroon 5 seem to have found their formula to rise back to the top of the commercial heap. They hook up here with pop producer Benny Blanco and the result is catchy and appealing. The soulfulness of Adam Levine's vocals moves this beyond mere paint by numbers pop fodder.

Pitbull and Chris Brown sing the praises of women the world over. This song glides along on an uptempo club ready track that is the state of the art in thumping dance pop.

For this extract from the soundtrack album to The Hunger Games Taylor Swift moves in a rock direction. She doesn't sound quite as comfortable as her mainstream pop and country songs, but it does find her exploring in different directions. It is good to hear her adding to the sparse rock sounds on current top 40 pop radio.
David Guetta presents Nicki Minaj as a singer and not just a rapper. The song itself is a surefire party jam that breaks down into a high energy shouted chorus. For long-time fans, don't despair, Nicki Minaj also delivers a trademark rap.

Rihanna's single "Where Have You Been" sounds like the logical next step after her huge #1 smash "We Found Love." Pop master Dr. Lukejoins Calvin Harris, producer of "We Found Love" for an exhilaratingly catchy trip to the dance floor. Rihanna sounds like she is moving forward again.
Pitbull was selected to create the theme song for the upcoming Men In Black 3 movie. Fitting the plot concept of going back in time the song incorporates samples from the 1950s classic "Love Is Strange" by Mickey and Sylvia with state of the art contemporary dance music. The effect is that the song stands out as timeless party music.

Carrie Underwood aims directly for crossover territory here. "Good Girl" maintains some country music instrumentation, but it is built on a solid rock foundation with a massive pop hook for the chorus. Don't be surprised if "Good Girl" shows up on multiple radio formats.

Christina Perri proves here that she is no one hit wonder. This love song marries a beautiful, lilting chorus with one of the most gorgeous pop bridge sections in recent memory. If you have any fear that the classic pop ballad is endangered, listen to "A Thousand Years" and those fears will melt away.

For her third single from the album 21Adele turns to a more traditional pop arrangement on "Set Fire To the Rain." However, the power of her lyrics are anything but traditional. It is another exploration into the emotional pain of a relationship thta has fallen apart. This is the state of the art in pop songwriting.

There have been critical complaints that Jessie J's "Domino" sounds too much like Katy Perry. However, pop fans don't seem to mind and they have turned "Domino" into Jessie J's biggest hit in the US so far. It is an irresistibly catchy pop tune giving a showcase for Jessie J's powerful pipes.

Controversy continues to swirl around Chris Brown. However, that hasn't stopped him from pushing his pop success further. "Turn Up the Music" lands on the forefront of today's blend of pop and club ready music.

Neon Trees made a big splash into rock, alternative, and pop singles with their single "Animal." This is the first single from their follow up album. It is another slice of the group's combination of contemporary pop with a distinctive 80s style.
It has been a long path into the US pop mainstream for Ellie Goulding. However, "Lights" fits perfectly in today's dance pop atmosphere. There is a bit more musical heft here than the usual simple pop hit. First released in March of 2011, "Lights" has sold more than 500,000 copies in the US for a gold certification.
  • Demi Lovato - "Give Your Heart a Break"

    Demi Lovato shows that Disney pop stars can move into more adult pop territory. This midtempo pop ballad is refreshing and will likely gain the singer a few new adult fans while not alienating her teen base. Significant credit can go to veteran songwriter and producer Billy Steinberg who helped write such pop classics as Madonna's "Like a Virgin" and Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors."

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Yang alami buat kulit kita

Tahu kah kamu ternyata kita bisa mempercantik kulit kita dengan bahan - bahan yang ada di dapur loh

  • Green tea

Green tea banyak mengandung antioksida yang bisa mengurangi kemerahan pada wajah, caranya: basuh muka kamu dengan teh hijau dingin, ini bisa membuat kulit kamu lebih rileks dan lembut

  • Madu

Madu dapat memberikan kelembaban alami pada kulit kita dan dapat digunakan untuk spot hitam. caranya: gunakan madu sebagai masker wajah

  • Minyak zaitun

Minyak zaitun sangat baik untuk melembabkan rambut dan menghilangkan bintik - bintik halus pada kulit. caranya: oleskan minyak zaitun pada bagian yang di inginkan

  • Gula

Caranya: campurkan gula dengan minyak zaitun untuk perawataan bibir

  • Alpukat

Alpukat adalah pelembab yang sangat baik, kamu bisa menggunakan nya untuk semua tubuh yang terasa kering. caranya: haluskan alpukat terlebih dahulu kemudian olehkan masker ke wajah atau rambut

  • Lemon

Kandungan acid di dalam lemon dapat membantu memutihkan kuku dan dapat mambuat rambut sehat berkilau, menghilangkan ketombe. caranya: oleskan lemon pada kuku atau pada bagian kepala

  • Pepaya

Kandungan papain di dalam buah pepaya merupakan enzim terbaik untuk di jadikan masker jadi caranya: kita dapat memakai masker yang mengandung pepaya

Silahkan Mencoba !

NAIL ART (newspaper)

Ini dia gimana caranya di kuku kamu ada hiasan koran

Siapin dulu bahan - bahan yang dibutuhkan : 

  • Kutek berwarna putih
  • Kutek bening
  • Alcohol
  • Koran

  1. Mulai dengan mewarnaii kuku kamu dengan kutek berwana putih dan tunggu sampai kering
  2. Rendam kuku kamu satu persatu ke dalam tempat yang berisi alkohol selama beberapa detik
  3. Letakan teks koran di atas kuku kamu yang telah di rendam ke dalam alkohol tadi
  4. Gosokan koran tersebut dengan perlahan tapi jangan sampai teks koran tersebut tergeser
  5. Bersihkan sisa -sisa koran dengan perlahan lalu lapisi dengan kutek berwarna bening dan jadilah nail art - newspaper

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Perilaku Indonesia & Malaysia


Miris jikalau karya kita dicuri oleh negara lain
Lebih miris lagi jikalau kita tidak mencintai karya kita sendiri
& membiarkan begitu saja karya kita di ambil oleh negara lain
#Indonesia Bersinar

Breaking Dawn Part 2

Perubahan Bella menjadi vampir tidak hanya sebatas perubahan warna kulit dan matanya. Dia ketagihan menggunakan kekuatan supernya sebagai vampir. 

Tentu saja perubahan terbesar Bella adalah kini dia menjadi seorang ibu. Dalam trailer ini, Edward mengatakan ke Bella bahwa Volturi, vampir penguasa, yakin bahwa Renesemee, anak Bella dan Edward, adalah anak yang abadi. Mereka menganggap seorang anak manusia yang menjadi vampir terlalu berbahaya untuk dibiarkan hidup. Hal ini menyebabkan pimpinan Volturi, Aro (Michael Sheen), mengumpulkan pasukan untuk membawa anak Bella dan Edward.

Gabungan antara naluri orangtua dan kekuatan supernatural menjadi kombinasi yang luar biasa untuk melindungi Renesemee. Edward mengumpulkan beberapa kelompok vampir untuk bergabung melindungi Renesmee, Bella menenangkan anaknya dengan mengatakan, "Aku tidak akan pernah membiarkan siapapun menyakitimu". 

Pertarungan sengit antara Volturi dengan gabungan keluarga Cullen dan Bella, pasukan vampir, dan gerombolan werewolf siap berlangsung, bukan saja lebih seru dari edisi film "Twilight" sebelumnya, tapi juga dari versi bukunya.

Sebelum menonton di bioskop pada 16 November, silahkan simak trailer terbaru dari "Breaking Dawn Part 2" berikut ini:

Sosok keturunan pertama Bella dan Edward, Renesmee, akhirnya diperlihatkan dalam "Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2".

Dalam foto yang dirilis Entertainment Weekly, terlihat Renesmee tengah mengintip di antara kedua orangtuanya. Renesmee diperankan oleh Mackenzie Foy yang masih berusia 11 tahun, dan ya, dia memang cepat tumbuh sejak dia lahir di "Part 1".

screenshoot breaking dawn part 2